


Thursday, August 14, 2014

Mom, this post is for you.

My mom tells me I should start a blog.  You're crazy I say.  Now look at me. Always trust mom. Bottom line.  I hope to be able to share things in my life. Maybe help someone else - who knows! Amongst my life of former middle school math teacher turned homeschooling mom with a side of graphic design and tremendous love for my little family, surely there's someone out there who can benefit from my ramblings.
For instance, make sure you read the fine print on what you buy on ebay.  I am a beginning homeschooling mom. One would think with my education background, I've got this in the bag.  Think again, folks.  Bought what I thought was a complete curriculum for my 7 year old only to find out he's missing his math text and workbooks, the reading texts, but we have an over abundance of music theory.  Now, with us starting in 3 days, I'm scrambling to piece together a curriculum that fits for him.  I've found some free stuff that looks promising, but I find myself still looking at books, placement tests, and the like.  Don't you think with a minimum of education background I could throw something together?  Yep, I thought so too.  Now I'm not so sure!

1 comment:

  1. Love, lovr, love it! Remember, you have your dad's brains and your mom's heart so there is nothing you can't do! You will have this figured out and done with time to spare! Love ya baby girl, mom
